Monday, June 30, 2008

What does advertise Sale?

an approach to advertising knowledge.
by Pandi Merdeka

Advertising business grow following the Industry it self. No one knows when the business starts. However the trace began from the ancient Greek and then continues with more clear trace at 1836 when La Presse a newspaper from France accepted ad on their pages. But, beside the history the mind behind the advertising is more complex for me. This trace also say that ancient people had know about the art of advertise and how to attract people to buy or purchasing a brand.

People, me or even you is endless desire, always want something more-more. This is the fact and it used to controlling consumer mind. The problem is which consumer? So this is the job for advertising worker to find out and do a research, after that the company will command his marketing soldier to catch the consumer. One thing that should we remember is not every day people need our goods.

Now this is the source code to the advertising heart. What do really advertise Sale are not goods, or brand, or image. But they sale dream and hope. People can hold their desire but they can't stop to chase their dream. This is the spot. history and the highway to their dream. Some people want to be an artist. So body shape, handsome face, nice suite could beat the spot. All campaign all over the world sells lot of dream to his people's. This is the spot. Who can sell dream so he win the prize in this case the prize is consumer.

Dream in Psychological studies say that is an image repress on subsconcious mind. this show that even a repress mind construct some one mind to chase something. I think this is why advertising is so complicated even for World Wide Web advertising where people all over the world meet each other.